
Hey there! Nicole is a San Francisco native who returned home after living in Milan and Florence, Italy.

Previously, she currently made the trains run on time for Superuser, the community publication of the OpenStack Foundation.

She’s also been managing editor at the International Journalists’ Network (IJNet), a nonprofit that keeps reporters up-to-date on tech tools and training opportunities in seven languages. There she tripled unique visitors to the site by redesigning content strategy for the homepage, refining content types and coordinating reporting efforts. As part of the merry crew at Cult of Mac,  she reported on all things Apple from Cupertino as well as China and Brazil. She also launched an weekly iPad edition of the website and served as editor.

As a freelancer, she has worked for the, Wired News, the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal Europe, BBC2, Newsweek, Discovery Channel and the Italian-language editions of Linux Magazine, Wired and Vanity Fair. While visiting the world’s only plant intelligence lab and voting in the first online Democratic primary she also picked up video, photo and web skills.

The only foreigner at the University of Florence’s Media and Communications masters program, after graduation she spent two years as foreign news coordinator for a daily 6 p.m. news and entertainment program called “Verissimo,” producing up to five stories a week for leading national TV network Canale 5 in Milan.

She does not normally refer to herself in the third person and dreams of trying out for “Lego Masters.”

You can find her on Linkedin, Twitter.
Contact: email nm AT or the form at her web site zoomata.