Tech journalist and editor with experience leading non-English teams and adapting content into English from other languages.
Stories have ranged from a plant intelligence lab to Tuscany’s sword in the stone for outfits including Newsweek, Wired News, and Women’s Wear Daily. She has also written about design, fashion and travel for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal Europe and Sportswear International among others.
She currently edits Superuser, the OpenStack Foundation’s community website. Feel free to connect on LinkedIn, follow her on Twitter or check out her photos on Flickr.
Known to produce random bits of pop-culture trivia at the least prompting, she also holds a degree in Journalism from San Francisco State University, a Masters in Media & Communications from the University of Florence, Italy.
She does not normally refer to herself in the third person and dreams of trying out for “Lego Masters.”